
Smarter Medicine in a Snap

Category: EKG- Summing it up

  • Differentials for Common EKG findings

    EKG FindingDifferentials
    RAD (Right Axis Deviation)Normal Variation: vertical heart with an axis of 90º
    Right Ventricular Hypertrophy (RVH)
    Right heart strain (e.g. PE)
    Left Posterior Fascicular Block
    Pre-excitation Syndrome (Wolff-Parkinson-White)
    Lateral Wall Myocardial Infarction
    LAD (Left Axis Deviation)Normal Variation
    Left ventricular hypertrophy
    Left bundle branch block
    Left anterior fascicular block
    Pre-excitation syndromes (Wolff-Parkinson-White)
    Inferior wall myocardial infarction
    Early R-wave progressionPosterior MI
    Poor R-wave progressionAnterior MI
    Important differentials for Q wavesMI
    Cor-pulmonale (Q waves in inferior and anterior leads)
    Important ST-T changesNon-specific ST-T changes: < 1 mm ST elevation/ depression; flat T- waves or < 1 mm inversion of T- waves
    MI/ Angina
    Early repolarization
    Juvenile T waves
    LVH: ST depression and T- inversion, typically in I, aVL, V5, V6. Can be seen in other leads as well
    RVH: ST depression and T- inversion, typically in V1-3
    Bundle Branch blocks
    Persistent ST- elevation (Usually present for over 3 weeks): Consider ventricular aneurysm
    Peaked T-wavesHyperkalemia
    Intracranial bleed
    LVH/ RVH
    Deep T-wavesMI
    Intracranial bleed
    LVH/ RVH
    Takusubo cardiomyopathy
    Apical Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
    ST elevation in aVR with ST depression in multiple leads: suspect 3 vessel disease or left main disease
    Short QTcHypercalcemia, Hyperkalemia, Congenital
    Long QTcDrugs
    Antiarrhythmics: IA, IC, III
    Antipsychotics, tricyclics
    Antibiotics: Floroquinolones, Macrolides
    Most antiemetics
    Hypocalcemia (T- waves usually normal)
    Important differentials for U-wavesHypokalemia
    Drugs (e.g., digoxin, class IA, and class III anti-arrhythmics)
    Electrical alternansPericardial effusion
    Severe CHF/ CAD/ HTN
    Inverted P-QRS-T in I and aVL and upright in aVRDextrocardia (shows reverse R wave progression)
    LA/RA lead reversal (Shows normal R- progression)
    In WPW pattern, be cautious diagnosing the following on EKGVentricular hypertrophy
    MI and ischemia (since WPW can cause Q-waves and ST-T changes)
    Axis deviation
    Any other conduction abnormalities

  • T- and U- Wave Changes


    ConditionEKG Changes
    Normal Upright in all leads other than aVR and V1 with the amplitude normally being less than 5 mm in limb leads and 10 mm in precordial leads
    Tall T-waves
    Kids and young adultsT-wave inversions in V1-3 are normal in kids(Juvenile T-wave pattern).
    May persist into adulthood (Persistent Juvenile T-wave pattern)
    LBBB/ LVH/ Paced rhythm/RBBB/ RVHDiscordant T-waves
    PES1Q3T3 pattern. T-wave inversions in inferior leads and V1-V3.
    Hypertrophic cardiomyopathyDeep inverted T-waves in all precordial leads
    Raised Intracranial pressureDeep inverted T-waves
    Wellens SyndromeBiphasic (positive and then negative deflection- Type A) or inverted (deep symmetric inversion of T-waves- Type B) in V2 and V3. Suggests a LAD lesion.
    HypokalemiaT-waves may be biphasic (negative and then positive) and will progressively disappear while U waves become more pronounced. With U waves, the QU interval becomes prolonged.
    Double peaking T-wavesEither because of U-waves or because of P-waves getting superimposed on T-waves.
    Ischemia/ InfarctionIschemia: T-wave flattening/ inversion.
    In Infarction, “hyper acute T waves” (very tall T-waves) may be seen with reciprocal changes.


    ConditionEKG Changes
    Normalusually a small deflection after the T-waves, in the same direction as the T-wave. Usually seen at lower heart rates.
    Hypokalemia/ Hypomagnesemia/ Hypocalcemia
    Raised Intracranial Pressure
    Drugs like Class Ia, III anti-arrhythmics, Digoxin
    Prominent U-waves (>1 mm or 25% of the height of the T wave.)
    Severe Heart Disease (ischemia/ valvular/ congenital/ cardiomyopathy,etc.)Inverted U-waves.

  • J-point, ST Segment, QT interval Changes


    ConditionEKG Changes
    NormalThe point where QRS complex joins the ST segment. Often slightly above the baseline.
    Early Repolarization
    Myocardial ischemia/ Infarction
    J-point elevation
    HypothermiaJ-waves/ Osborne waves: long slow positive deflection just before the J-point.


    ConditionEKG Changes
    Normalflat, isoelectric line between J-point and the start of T-wave
    1. Acute MI
    2. Printzmetal’s angina
    3. Takotsubo cardiomyopathy
    ST- elevation: Classically, STEMI has been associated with a “convex upwards” morphology- but the morphology may be convex/ concave/ oblique! Reciprocal changes are typically seen with MI and Printzmetal’s angina but usually absent with Takotsubo. Changes in Printzmetal’s angina are usually transient.
    PericarditisST-elevation- usually concave upwards. Reciprocal ST depression and PR elevation in leads aVR and V1.
    Early RepolarizationST-elevation- J-point notching is sometimes seen with early repolarization
    LBBB/ Paced rhythm/ LVHST- elevation/ depression: main vector of QRS and ST-T segments are usually discordant.
    Ventricular aneurysmPersistent ST segment elevation after an MI, along with Q-waves.
    Raised Intracranial Pressure (Intracranial bleed)ST-elevation/ depression with deep inverted T-wave inversions
    Brugada syndromeBrugada Sign: ST elevation with a coved morphology and a partial RBBB pattern in V1-V2.
    J-point elevationcan simulate ST elevation
    Sodium Channel Blocking DrugsQRS prolongation, tall R wave in aVR, QTc prolongation. can also cause ST elevation
    LAD lesionDe Winter pattern: Upsloping ST-depression at J point in precordial leads that is >1mm + reciprocal ST elevation in aVR + tall and symmetrical T waves in precordial leads (De Winter T-waves)
    Myocardial IschemiaHorizontal/ downsloping ST depression ≥ 0.5 mm at the J-point in ≥ 2 contiguous leads indicates myocardial ischaemia
    Diffuse ST depression with ST elevation in aVR is seen with LAD lesions as well as 3 vessel disease.
    Tachycardia (sinus/ supraventricular)widespread ST depression
    Digoxin effectDownsloping ST depression creating a “reverse check mark” appearance.
    HypokalemiaDownsloping ST depression with T-wave flattening or inversion and prominent U waves with increased QU interval.
    RVH, RBBBST depression and T-wave inversion in V1-V3.

    QT interval

    ConditionEKG changes
    NormalVaries with heart rate and so corrected QTc is used- A common way to correct it is using Bazett formula (QTC = QT / √ RR). QTC is usually 0.35-0.44 seconds in men and 0.35-0.46 seconds in women.
    Drugs: Class IA, IC, and III antiarrhythmics, Antipsychotics, Antiemetics, Tricyclic antidepressants, azaleas like fluconazole, antibiotics such as floroquinolones and macrocodes, etc.
    Hypokalemia/ Hypomagnesemia/ Hypocalcemia
    Myocardial Ischemia
    Raised ICT
    Congenital long QT syndromes
    Long QTC
    Congenital Short QT syndromes
    Short QTC
  • QRS Complex Changes


    ConditionEKG changes
    NormalSmall septal Q waves may be seen in I, AVL, V5, V6. Deep Q waves may be seen in III and aVR
    Pathological Q waves may be seen in MI, cardiomyopathies, lead placement errors, etc.Pathological Q-waves:
    Leads V2 to V3: Any Q wave ≥20 milliseconds or a QS complex.
    Other Leads (I, II, aVL, aVF, V4 to V6): Q wave ≥30 milliseconds and ≥0.1 mV deep in two contiguous leads or a QS complex.
    LBBBno Q-waves in LBBB

    R-wave changes

    ConditionEKG Changes
    Anteroseptal MI
    LVH/ RVH
    lead misplacement
    Poor R wave Progression
    Posterior MI
    RVH/ Right heart strain
    Lead misplacement
    R>S in V1
    Tricyclic Antidepressant poisoning; other Na channel blocking drugsR in aVR > 3 mm
    Ventricular tachycardia
    LA/ RA lead reversal
    Dominant R-wave in aVR

    QRS Complex

    ConditionEKG changes
    Supraventricular origin without ventricular conduction defect
    QRS < 100 ms
    Ventricular origin of QRS including ventricular pacing
    Bundle Branch Block
    Sodium Channel Blockers
    QRS > 100 ms
    WPWDelta Wave
    Pericardial effusion
    Infiltrative cardiomyopathies (amyloidosis, sarcoidosis, etc.)
    Lung diseases (COPD)
    Amplitude < 5mm in all limb leads or Amplitude < 10 mm in all precordial leads (Low voltage)
    Pericardial effusion/ tamponade
    Severe tachycardia
    Ventricular tachycardia
    Altering conduction pathways (intermittent change in velocity/ blockage)
    Changing morphology of QRS complexes (Electrical Alternans)
    Biventricular Hypertrophy
    high amplitude QRS
    Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasiaEpsilon wave
  • PR-segment and PR-Interval changes


    ConditionEKG changes
    Normalflat and isoelectric
    Pericarditisdepressed in all leads except aVR and V1 where it is elevated
    Atrial infarct/ ischemia (Liu’s Major criteria)Elevation of the P-Ta segment of over 0.5 mm in V5 and V6, with reciprocal depression of the same segment in V1 and V2.
    Elevation of the P-Ta segment exceeding 0.5 mm in lead I, with reciprocal depression of the same segment in leads II or III
    P-Ta segment Depression greater than 1.5 mm in the precordial leads and 1.2 mm in leads I, II, and III, particularly in the context of any atrial arrhythmia.

    PR Interval

    ConditionEKG Changes
    NormalPR interval = 0.12 to 0.2 seconds (3-5 small squares)
    First degree AV blockPR interval > 0.2 seconds
    Second Degree Type 1Progressively prolonging PR segment before a dropped QRS
    Preexcitation Syndromes: Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) and Lown-Ganong-Levine (LGL)
    Junctional Rhythm
    PR interval < 0.12 seconds
  • P-wave changes

    ConditionEKG Findings
    Normal P-waves– Upright in II, Biphasic in V1, and inverted in aVR with an axis of 0° to 75° and a duration < 120 msec (3 small squares)
    – II: < 2.5 mm tall and < 3 mm wide
    – V1: Positive component is < 1.5 mm tall and Negative component is < 1 mm wide and < 1mm deep.
    Right Atrial Abnormality– II: > 2.5 mm tall
    – V1: > Positive deflection is > 1.5 mm tall
    Left Atrial Abnormality– II: > 3mm wide ± notched p-wave
    – V1: > 1 mm wide or > 1 mm deep negative deflection
    Ectopic beats not from SA node– P-wave morphology changes based on origin.
    – PR interval is usually normal since the AV nodal delay is present.
    Junctional beats, AVNRT– P-waves are inverted
    – P-waves may be immediately before (so short PR), embedded within, or shortly after the QRS.
    – Multifocal Atrial Tachycardia (HR≥100)
    – Wandering Atrial Pacemaker (HR < 100)
    – ≥ 3 morphologies of P-waves
    Atrial Flutter– P-waves are replaced by F-waves, typically with a rate of around 300 beats per minute
    Atrial Fibrillation– No P-waves. Coarse Atrial fibrillation may show waves that are irregular with many different morphologies and a very high rate.
    Tachycardia, PACs, severe first degree heart block– P-waves may be embedded in T-waves and not be immediately obvious.
    Supra-ventricular tachycardia– P-waves may be embedded in QRS and not be immediately obvious.
    – Sinus Arrest, 3rd degree Sinoatrial exit block
    – Atrial Flutter (has F-waves)
    – Atrial Fibrillation
    – Absent P-waves

  • A 3D Analysis of the Heart on an EKG: What each lead tells us

    LeadRegion ViewedAnatomical StructuresUsual feeding vessel
    I, aVLHigh- LateralHigh lateral wall of the left ventricleLeft Circumflex Artery (LCx)
    II, III, aVFInferiorInferior wall of the left ventricleRight Coronary Artery (RCA)
    aVRRight Upper SideRight atrium, part of the interventricular septumNot specific; reflects global activity
    V1SeptalInterventricular septumLeft Anterior Descending Artery (LAD)
    V1Right Ventriclebest but sub-optimal view of Right Ventricle (RV)RV is supplied by the RCA
    V2Septal/AnteriorInterventricular septum and anterior wall of the left ventricleLeft Anterior Descending Artery (LAD)
    V3, V4AnteriorAnterior wall of the left ventricleLeft Anterior Descending Artery (LAD)
    V5, V6LateralLateral wall of the left ventricleLeft Circumflex Artery (LCx)
    V7, V8, V9PosteriorPosterior wall of the left ventriclePosterior Descending Artery (PDA)- usually a branch of RCA
    Right VentricleRight Ventricular Free WallRight Coronary Artery (RCA)