Condition | EKG changes |
Normal | flat and isoelectric |
Pericarditis | depressed in all leads except aVR and V1 where it is elevated |
Atrial infarct/ ischemia (Liu’s Major criteria) | Elevation of the P-Ta segment of over 0.5 mm in V5 and V6, with reciprocal depression of the same segment in V1 and V2. Elevation of the P-Ta segment exceeding 0.5 mm in lead I, with reciprocal depression of the same segment in leads II or III P-Ta segment Depression greater than 1.5 mm in the precordial leads and 1.2 mm in leads I, II, and III, particularly in the context of any atrial arrhythmia. |
PR Interval
Condition | EKG Changes |
Normal | PR interval = 0.12 to 0.2 seconds (3-5 small squares) |
First degree AV block | PR interval > 0.2 seconds |
Second Degree Type 1 | Progressively prolonging PR segment before a dropped QRS |
Preexcitation Syndromes: Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) and Lown-Ganong-Levine (LGL) Junctional Rhythm | PR interval < 0.12 seconds |
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