
Smarter Medicine in a Snap

T- and U- Wave Changes


ConditionEKG Changes
Normal Upright in all leads other than aVR and V1 with the amplitude normally being less than 5 mm in limb leads and 10 mm in precordial leads
Tall T-waves
Kids and young adultsT-wave inversions in V1-3 are normal in kids(Juvenile T-wave pattern).
May persist into adulthood (Persistent Juvenile T-wave pattern)
LBBB/ LVH/ Paced rhythm/RBBB/ RVHDiscordant T-waves
PES1Q3T3 pattern. T-wave inversions in inferior leads and V1-V3.
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathyDeep inverted T-waves in all precordial leads
Raised Intracranial pressureDeep inverted T-waves
Wellens SyndromeBiphasic (positive and then negative deflection- Type A) or inverted (deep symmetric inversion of T-waves- Type B) in V2 and V3. Suggests a LAD lesion.
HypokalemiaT-waves may be biphasic (negative and then positive) and will progressively disappear while U waves become more pronounced. With U waves, the QU interval becomes prolonged.
Double peaking T-wavesEither because of U-waves or because of P-waves getting superimposed on T-waves.
Ischemia/ InfarctionIschemia: T-wave flattening/ inversion.
In Infarction, “hyper acute T waves” (very tall T-waves) may be seen with reciprocal changes.


ConditionEKG Changes
Normalusually a small deflection after the T-waves, in the same direction as the T-wave. Usually seen at lower heart rates.
Hypokalemia/ Hypomagnesemia/ Hypocalcemia
Raised Intracranial Pressure
Drugs like Class Ia, III anti-arrhythmics, Digoxin
Prominent U-waves (>1 mm or 25% of the height of the T wave.)
Severe Heart Disease (ischemia/ valvular/ congenital/ cardiomyopathy,etc.)Inverted U-waves.


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